Monday, February 25, 2008

Wonder Festival 2008 Photo Report from Kaiju-Taro!!!

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Our friends at Kaiju-Taro take great pictures at Wonder Festival so you don't need to be there!! Be sure to check back with Kaiju-Taro to see what goodies from WF 2008 they will have! Here are a select group of pictures from their full PHOTO REPORT. Thank You Kaiju-Taro!!!

Interesting note about Wonder Festival: The idea behind Wonder Festival is that you can obtain temporary rights to sell your own toys based on other companies' characters and licenses. The sponsor Kaiyodo takes care of the licensing part as part of the fee for the show. This enables garage toy companies to produce cool new toys based on otherwise un-obtainable licenses such as Mazinger, Kikaida, etc. History lesson from the Virus-killing machine that is Datadub!



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Cronic x NERDONE

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Max Toy Co

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Martin Ontiveros Booska in back!!

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Carlos Enriquez naughty toys!

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BLObPUS x Skuttle

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BLObPUS Rangeas

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Waldar Micronauts?

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ooooohhh, Sunguts minis!!

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Darkside new sculp?? Goes with the Rancor? hmmmm, infringing awfully close on the empire....

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Gargamel new Acroyear to go with the other Micronauts!

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Anonymous said...

great images and news! its good to see the other side of the Wonderfes besides the bishoujo figures.

Limited Ed. said...
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Limited Ed. said...

Those Metal-Box minis and Walder Micronauts look amazing! Any chance they will come stateside? Me wanty!

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