Thought you guys might get a kick out of a day in the life of toybot studios! It usually begins getting up, grabbing some coffee and then hitting the desktop for email, trying to get to the 8am commodity refresh on
Mandarake, scanning any new listings in
Yahoo! Japan Auctions and checking out the latest goin's on at
Skullbrain. If my schedule permits, i'll usually stop by
VinylPulse for the daily, but mostly western vinyl news. Then over to
Kaiju Taro to see if anything new has been stocked. Reading this back, it must seem crazy to spend one's morning looking for Japanese toys. Of course, if you're reading this blog, you might understand. What you see above is repeated several times during the day (but usually on my Windows Smartphone) which allows me to browse the above websites pretty fast. I like to look like i'm very busy responding to important emails during meetings). I'm then off to work for the "man".

Hopefully when I get home, there is a package waiting for me. I might get 2-4 packages a week. If i'm really lucky, then I will get a box like this one from Celga Japan which has all of the stuff I "won" recently on Yahoo! Japan Auctions. This box was especially big and had maybe 25 pieces inside. This was a good day (although my wife was not very happy!)

Then since my wife is pissed at me for spending a ridiculous amount of money on toys, I will be banished downstairs to the "Studio" in toybot studios where I have a little set up for toy photography.

Also downstairs in another room is where some of the older collection is displayed. I'm going to have to buy a few more Detolf cases from Ikea to accommodate the recent purchases! If you check out the last picture, you can see on the bottom some early toybot studios toy photography!

So there it is. Welcome to toybot studios. Now get the fuck out! I gots to get back to Skullbrain and Yahoo! Japan Auctions!!!