The latest figure from Real x Head! This is the Bigaro from the recent Superfestival I believe, in Japan. You gotta love the colors. My two favorites are representing with the blue and purple all in one convenient package! The other interesting thing about this figure is that although it has the Bigaro sheet on top, it's with the Chaos body. I guess you call it Bigaos? When I first saw this sucker on Yahoo! Japan Auctions, I jumped at the "Buy It Now" button and paid the premium fearing that there was a very limited supply. Of course, there are several on YJA right now at lower prices. As someone very wise said on Skullbrain today, a disciplined collector shows restraint, patience and persistence when collecting. Thanks Jackie!
Next up we have a completely new sculp called the Ogan which seems like a Chaosman dipped in the nuclear reactor bath for an extra 10 minutes! The head and chest are a single piece of vinyl which create for an interesting look. I like him ok, but not crazy about this particular colorway. Don't worry, i'm sure we will see plenty of other colors.

Also new is this black Chaosman with what looks like tannish, gold highlights. He's ok...meh...not my color...

DataDub in Japan was a pretty lucky guy as he won this very, very special metallic blue Chaos Slime head at the Pachimon Summit recently. Only two were made and another Skullbrain boardmember won the other one!

Finally, one last Chaosman and in the Kamen Rider Hibiki color scheme!! I really dig this guy. I recognized him right away so good job Real x Head taking a mutant deformed head and somehow still making him look like Hibiki! Can hardly wait till this guy show up! Thanks DataDub for the preview pics!

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