Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mummy Boy Custom Show at Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show at Super 7 on Saturday. Impressive talent came out to determine which customs were to be turned into production colorways. Gian aka Ted Koppel won with his full size version and Mike aka Eckotyper won with his skeleton mini.

Brian with the 1st place mini
Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

#1 Mummy Boy Collector
Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

Mummy Boy Custom Show @ Super 7

SKINNER Custom Vinyl

SKINNER Custom vinyls
Nightmare Ultrus Bog Limited

SKINNER Limited run of this Nightmare Ultrus Bog? Awesome.

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER custom Japanese vinyl. I like SKINNER's color design. The colors pop and have some detail, but not too much. Looks great on these RealxHead, Rumble Monsters and Mongolion.
SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

SKINNER Custom vinyls

Microman Devilman "Diabolus"

Microman Devilman MD-603 "Diabolus"

New Microman Devilman? "Diabolus" version. Sign me up. Need to find all four but especially the blue version second from left. Anyone with details, drop me a note.

Microman Devilman MD-603 "Diabolus"

Microman Devilman MD-603 "Diabolus"

Microman Devilman MD-603 "Diabolus"

Microman Devilman MD-603 "Diabolus"

via: chogokinjawa

Gargamel Obsession by jhateball

Gargamel Love by Hateball
Gargamel Love by Hateball
Gargamel Love by Hateball

Obsession is Gargamel good.


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Jeff Lamm

GARAMANIACAL is shaping up quite nicely. Impresive works from all over the world. The show opens February 10th at 6pm at FOE Gallery

Ralph Cosentino
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Michael Skattum
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Prometheum 5
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Mutant Vinyl Hardcore
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Robert DeCastro
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RC Human looking Models Flying Over New York

In order to promote the new movie "Chronicle" which is about these teenagers who gain super powers, this marketing firm made these amazing radio-controlled people-shaped models that fly around New York. Cool, but i'm sure it completely freaked people out.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Perfect Effect - RC Motorcyles @ TFsource

Perfect Effect RC Motorcycle
Perfect Effect RC Motorcycle

spotted on the very cool blog Battle Grip is this awesome Perfect Effect custom Transformer. It comes in pink and blue, but costs a cool hundy. I love the way the motorcycle looks. In robot mode, it looks pretty damn nice too. My concern is that i've never ordered one of these Perfect Effect toys so I don't know how awesome they are. I'm sure it's pretty nice, but hows the engineering for the transformation? My fear is it's over complicated and too fragile with shit falling off at every turn.

Marmit Juda. Photo by tatsurus


Samurai Fett Illustration by Clinton Felker

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via: The Hand That Feeds You

Darth Samurai is still my favorite
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Human Slayers Resin Pre-Order

Human Slayers Resin

5.5 inches tall- cast in green resin and handpainted.
Will bill later for international shipping
(this is a preoder, figures will ship early to mid february)

pre-order from HERE for $80

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South Korea's "Live Park" uses Microsoft Kinect sensors to create 3D Fantasy World

Just like being on the planet Pandora from Avatar, right?

We've seen Microsoft's Kinect show up in a number of unexpected places, and now it's being used to power a 3D theme park in South Korea. Created by interactive company D'strict, Live Park consists of 65 attractions spread out over 7 stages; RFID-enabled bracelets track users as they move from exhibit to exhibit, while Kinect sensors allow their motion and expressions to control virtual avatars within the park's wall installations, holograms and panoramic 3D projection screens. Even better, at night the entire park turns into a dance club.

Built at a cost of $13 million — and able to house 3,000 visitors at any given time — Live Park is more of a free-roaming exhibit than a theme park in the traditional sense, but it's proven so successful since its December debut that D'strict is extending its run at South Korea's Kintex exhibition center. This isn't a one-off, either: D'strict will be licensing Live Park to additional partners, with plans for permanent facilities in China and Singapore already in the planning stages. As for those of us in the US, the company has partnered with a "Hollywood entertainment powerhouse," and in March is expected to announce plans to bring a version of Live Park to Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

via: The Verge

Thursday, January 26, 2012

toybot studios Custom GARAKUTAGIGAS for GARAMANIACAL...!!

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS
toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

Here is my submission to the upcoming GARAMANIACAL show at FOE Gallery opening Feb. 10th. I painted Alex Wald designed and amazing GARAKUTAGIGAS which was produced by Atelier G-1. This figure is one of my favorite sculpts. I almost don't want to send it away.

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

toybot studios custom GARAKUTAGIGAS

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