Thursday, June 30, 2011

GRODY SHOGUN: First Release, Saturday July 2nd

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Lulubell is proud to present the first original figure releases from Grody Shogun, クモの巣を食べる妖怪 グランプス (Granpusu the web eater). His name is Ojisan and he is a vain little Yokai (Japanese folk spirit). He's also kinda lazy, so he made a Karakuri (edo era self-automated robots) in his own image. Actually, Ojisan spends more time setting up his Karakuri then if he went out a collected webs himself.

Ojisan is made to scale, approx 10cm. (3.5"), the actual size of an average Ojisan you'd find in any home. Both have three points of articulation and stand on their own, for the most part. :)

Ojisan & his Karakuri go up for pre-sale this Saturday at Noon Pacific at They are cast in milky white vinyl & covered in amazing Technicolor spray goodness from head to toe! Sold individually for $23 each.

Interesting new venture for our crazy man Luke Rook in Japan. I like the size. At 3.5" tall, these guys will fit nicely on the desk. I think I like the blocky shape of the Karakuri better, but like the paint application of Ojisan. The directional spray of purple on the front especially. $23 is a decent price for a mini. Wouldn't mind this dude in painted clear vinyl.

Marusan TEDEROS Vehicles


Completely underated toys by Marusan.

photo by ToadLickr

Check out this old Marusan Tederos video

Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Waves 3 & 4 Pre-Order Tomorrow...!!!

OSM Alpha Phase Black Light

via: Onell Design Blog

These new additions to the expanding line up are looking awesome and have some very cool surprises within their construction. If you like to customize, this assortment offers some great parts to play around with. I've personally had some time with test shots (shown above in black light) and I love them. Hats off to the Horsemen for another set of amazingly sculpted figures!

An extremely limited number of the 2011 SDCC exclusive "Alpha Phase Outer Space Men Waves 3 & 4" will be going up for pre-order this Friday night at 6:00pm DST at Store Horsemen!

OSM Alpha Phase Black Light

OSM Alpha Phase Black Light

OSM Alpha Phase Black Light

OSM Alpha Phase Black Light

CURE Thorn Ball-Man Test Shot ver. July 2nd @ THORN "Babel" Tour

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Here is our first really good look at the new CURE Thorn Ball-Man. IT's got the madball head, new broken left arm, awesome spikey hammer and the best part, the spikey helmet (as hoped) is removable. Awesome...!! Unfortunately for you completists out there, it will only be released on July 2nd at the THORN "Babel" tour final at the Cyclone in Shibuya. ¥9,000

Really looking forward to a fully painted release.

via: CURE News


CUPCO for Sale...!

Most dolls around $80. Severed Heads more...much more. Get yours at MISHKA Online Shop NOW..!!

CUPCO for Sale...!

Candy Crystal Skulls by Cryptocurium

Candy Crystal skulls

Like candy? What about Candy skulls? Hells yes...! Solid rock hard candy skulls. Not sure I would want to eat mine. I think i'd just keep it on the shelf knowing that I could eat it in an emergency. Buy yours at the Cryptocurium for $10 each.

With their history shrouded in mystery and the dubious claims of their discoverers doubted by modern science, Crystal Skulls are truly an enigma. Do they possess supernatural powers or are they simply clever modern day forgeries? What better legendary artifact to launch our Treasures & Mysteries Series of candies and chocolates!

Each skull measures 3 1/2 inches long by 2 1/2 inches tall (about the size of a baseball) and is made of solid hard candy. Each has also been mystery flavored with six different flavor possibilities.The skull pictured has been dyed an ethereal green however custom color requests are welcome as always.

Candy Crystal skulls

What is the Cryptocurium?
We are a New Jersey based custom chocolate and candy maker producing "handmade edible art" focusing on the strange and macabre with a Lovecraftian bent.

Candy Crystal skulls


3A WWR Day and Nightwatch Bertie MK3 Photos by Ail

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I just opened my WWR Bertie MK3 and it's HUGE. I wasn't expecting it to be so much taller than the OG Bertie. It's bigger than Armstrong..! Next to Heavy Bramble, it's my favorite right now. Somehow always miss the DW/NW versions when they pop. Check out the nice B&W photogs of the DW/NW by 3A Boardmember Ail spotted on 3A Forum Daily News.

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Greenpeace Spoofs VW Star Wars Ad for a ECO-Beatdown

Harsh..! Greenpeace puts the ECO-beatdown on car maker Volkswagon for opposing C02 emission cuts by spoofing their uber-successful Star Wars commercials featuring a kid Darth Vader. Comparing VW to the Empire is hilarious.

The Ray Harryhausen Creature List

The four and a half minute compliation of every Ray Harryhausen animated creature in feature films, presented in chronological order.

Read the complete creature list at

The song is "Mon Ti," from the incomparable Tito Puente's album "Top Percussion."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

FOE Monster Invitational Begins July 8th...!

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Dave Wach

Monster Invitational
July 8th-Aug 7th
Reception July 8th, 6-9pm

FOE Store & Gallery
28 Pleasant St
Northampton, MA01060

What’s a Monster Invitational?
So glad you asked! Well of course we think monsters rule, and we might be bold enough to call ourselves monster connoisseurs. But monsters aren’t just the stuff of childhood nightmares. The idea of monsters is as old as civilization and what a culture, society or era finds monstrous is fascinating. And who gets to decide what’s monstrous? Heady stuff! But for the purposes of this Monster Invitational – we get to decide.

If you think about it, everyone has some monster history. Maybe you grew up watching the Creature Double Feature, Godzilla movies or Friday the 13ths and maybe your kids are obsessed with zombies or one of the many trendy vampire options. So admit it, people like monsters, and these artists, they love monsters. FOE has curated a group show of some of our favorite artists who are devoted to monsters. It’s gonna be a rad show!

Checks out this here lineup:
Stephen Blickenstaff, Michael Bracco, Spaghetti Kiss, Paddy Charles, Bob Conge,/Plaseebo, Dream Rocket, Halfbad Toyz, Paul Kaiju, Jeff Lamm, Greasebat, Brian Mahony/Guumon, Ben Mininberg/Prometheus Rising Studio, Monster Worship, Mark Nagata/Max Toy Co, Michael Nordstrom, Osiris Orion, Ben Reigle, Todd Robertson, Splurrt, Eric Talbot, Velocitron, Dave Wach

FOE Monster Invitational

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Mark Nagata
FOE Monster Invitational

FOE Monster Invitational

FOE Monster Invitational

Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Waves 3 & 4 Pre-Order This Friday...!!!

Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Wave 3
Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Wave 3
Mystron SDCC 2011 Exclusive clear grey body with lavender staff and helmet.

An extremely limited number of the 2011 SDCC exclusive "Alpha Phase Outer Space Men Waves 3 & 4" will be going up for pre-order this Friday night at 9:00pm EST at Store Horsemen!

We received images of the first test shots of OSM waves 3 & 4 a couple of days ago, and not only are we going to share those with you over the next couple days, but we're also going to give you a sneak peek at what the colors for the SDCC exclusive OSM figures will be - via some spectacular color mechanicals done by our old pal Matt Doughty (owner and creator of the awesome Glyos line of action figures), and the creator and owner of the Outer Space Men himself - the mysterious Mel Birnkrant!!

Also, we took some photos of the final paint-masters of the Infinity Edition Outer Space Men waves 3 & 4 figures (those are the classic looking, fully painted ones), and sent those images off to Mr. Birnkrant. Mel worked some amazing Photoshop magic on those and dropped the modern OSM figures into the classics backgrounds of the original card-backs! We'll start revealing some of those incredible images in the next few days as well!

Commander Comet SDCC 2011 Exclusive. Clear Amber body with lavender staff and helmet.
Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Wave 3
Outer Space Men Alpha Phase Wave 3

Dehara World Wide Panty Flash Show @ GR2 July 2nd..!!

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2
Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Damnit, this looks to be an awesome show. Dehara World Wide Panty Flash at Giant Robot 2 in LA. Opens this Saturday, July 2nd...

Dehara Yukinori
Figure Exhibition 2011
World Wide Panty Flash
July 2nd-July 27th
Reception Sat. July 2nd
6:30pm - 10pm
Giant Robot 2
2062 Sawtelle Blvd.
Los Angeles

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

Dehara WW Panty Flash @ GR2

more pics after the jump

Onell Design x RealxHead Pheyaos Mini - Under Black Light

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shhhhhhh! don't tell anyone, but these little guys go on sale today at 6pm PDT at Onell Design Web Store for $35 each. Limit one color each per person.

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Onell x RealxHead Pheyaos Mini

Pandora Shipping Container Cabinets by Sander Mulder

Pandora Container Cabinets

These Shipping Container Cabinets by Sander Mulder are very cool looking. I could see myself having a couple in my home or office for sure. Industrial, boxy, secure. Miniature Shipping Containers!! But I would want my version to be file cabinets with pull out drawers. and/or a version that was vertical and could act as a safe. The glass shelves just seem silly. What would you store in these? China dishes? You have to contact them for a quote.

In a few decades our whole world economy has become reliant on the containerization of our supply lines. Known the world over for its indestructible appearance and boxy look, the shipping container is one of the best known industrial archetypes.

This modular storage system is inspired by the wonderful colour mosaics that sprout to life in every harbor and container terminal the world around. The individual pieces can be stacked and rotated around in endless (colour-) combinations, to create your personal container terminal for all domestic storage uses.

Pandora Container Cabinets
Pandora Container Cabinets

Pandora Container Cabinets

Pandora Container Cabinets

Pandora Container Cabinets

Robots of Brixton

Robots of Brixton from Kibwe Tavares on Vimeo.

Interesting and thought-provoking film. The idea that socio/economic and even racial tension could transverse into robotic society seems completely absurb today. Perhaps in a not-too-distant future, it won't. After all, don't we already think of machines as inferior, throw away devices to be used as we wish?

Brixton has degenerated into a disregarded area inhabited by London's new robot workforce - robots built and designed to carry out all of the tasks which humans are no longer inclined to do. The mechanical population of Brixton has rocketed, resulting in unplanned, cheap and quick additions to the skyline.

The film follows the trials and tribulations of young robots surviving at the sharp end of inner city life, living the predictable existence of a populous hemmed in by poverty, disillusionment and mass unemployment. When the Police invade the one space which the robots can call their own, the fierce and strained relationship between the two sides explodes into an outbreak of violence echoing that of 1981.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Female Armor Sucks

The Archiver by ArtFX

The Archiver from Artfx on Vimeo.

A pilot, traveling through space, returns from a mission.

Beautiful. Looks like Raiden a bit. But not. Could be a cinematic sequence for a video game. Watch in full screen.

via: Geeks Are Sexy

Paul Kaiju for the "Sofubi Godfathers" Show @ TAG July 8th

Paul Kaiju for Sofubi Godfather Show

Paul Kaiju For the upcoming "Sofubi Godfathers" show at Toy Art Gallery on July 8th featuring Mark Nagata, BLObPUS, Paul Kaiju, Bob Conge and LASH.

Paul Kaiju for Sofubi Godfather Show

Paul Kaiju for Sofubi Godfather Show

Paul Kaiju for Sofubi Godfather Show
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