Dave Wach
Monster Invitational
July 8th-Aug 7th
Reception July 8th, 6-9pm
FOE Store & Gallery
28 Pleasant St
Northampton, MA01060
What’s a Monster Invitational?
So glad you asked! Well of course we think monsters rule, and we might be bold enough to call ourselves monster connoisseurs. But monsters aren’t just the stuff of childhood nightmares. The idea of monsters is as old as civilization and what a culture, society or era finds monstrous is fascinating. And who gets to decide what’s monstrous? Heady stuff! But for the purposes of this Monster Invitational – we get to decide.
If you think about it, everyone has some monster history. Maybe you grew up watching the Creature Double Feature, Godzilla movies or Friday the 13ths and maybe your kids are obsessed with zombies or one of the many trendy vampire options. So admit it, people like monsters, and these artists, they love monsters. FOE has curated a group show of some of our favorite artists who are devoted to monsters. It’s gonna be a rad show!
Checks out this here lineup:
Stephen Blickenstaff, Michael Bracco, Spaghetti Kiss, Paddy Charles, Bob Conge,/Plaseebo, Dream Rocket, Halfbad Toyz, Paul Kaiju, Jeff Lamm, Greasebat, Brian Mahony/Guumon, Ben Mininberg/Prometheus Rising Studio, Monster Worship, Mark Nagata/Max Toy Co, Michael Nordstrom, Osiris Orion, Ben Reigle, Todd Robertson, Splurrt, Eric Talbot, Velocitron, Dave Wach

Mark Nagata

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