Perhaps one of the craziest colorways to come out of the
MIKE SUTFIN COLORWAY is going to have you scratching your head with variations. All part of the devious plan stirred up at the HOUSE of RUMBLE MONSTERS in Japan.
First, Mr. Sutfin created his colorway and through secret contacts and meetings (yours truly was privy to one such meeting...until they smacked me over the head), passed along the vinyl and paint directions along with special utensils to an agent for RUMBLE MONSTERS. From there....maybe it was the long hours and paint fumes....but it turned out something like this....all in very small (TINY!) quantities:
No Less Than Four (4) Different Versions:
SUTFIN US VERSIONS*MS1 = PAINTED VERSION - Black, Day-glow Red, Silver Metallic and Iridescent white paint. Semi-transparent frosty yellow 'Lemonade' vinyl BOP. Includes both black tampos. Plus, the forehead tampo designs of all these PAINTED VERSIONS have been carefully embellished by Sutfin...with a few 'stitches'. Signed on the foot by Sutfin too!
*MS2 = UNPAINTED LEMONADE 2 TAMPO ONLY VERSION - Includes both black tampos on semi-transparent frosty yellow Lemonade vinyl BOP. There is NO paint on this version.....clean.
RUMBLE MONSTERS JAPAN VERSIONS*RM3 = PAINTED NO TAMPO VERSION- Black, Day-glow Red, Silver Metallic and Iridescent white paint. Semi-transparent frosty yellow 'Lemonade' vinyl BOP....with NO tampos.
*RM4 = BLACKENED LEMONADE 2 TAMPO VERSION- Includes both black tampos on semi-transparent frosty yellow Lemonade vinyl BOP. This BOP has black paint sprayed over the entire figure, then wiped off gently leaving some paint in the cracks.
On top of all this.....Mr. Sutfin crafted out a beautiful special header card for all versions (besides the 2 tampo designs)!
Release information: VERSIONS MS1 & MS2 are now available! contact
admin@mikesutfin.comVERSIONS RM3 & RM4 will be available at the end of November! check out