![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/502/19303482722_ae12a09473_z.jpg)
In honor of Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary, Itokin Park created these exclusive Space Mode Men in VP signature colors. I was very fortunate and grateful to score this guy. I am a huge fan of Itokin Park and I have never been able to get my hands on these little space men until now. They are smaller than I thought they would be. Just over 3 inches tall which is the perfect size. The clean Play Mobil aesthetic with the futuristic design and camo paint job makes this little guy an instant classic.
![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/344/19121887668_4e438bd5c0_z.jpg)
![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/466/19121887008_29a65de4ff_z.jpg)
![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/368/19283408316_bfa1cb165d_z.jpg)
![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/366/19121859170_ea3fae44e9_z.jpg)
![Itokin Park x Vinyl Pulse 10th Anniversary Space Mode Men](https://c1.staticflickr.com/1/517/18686984234_88f8c77acc_z.jpg)