Sunday, February 03, 2008

Wish I Was There: Martin Ontiveros Rock and Roll Fantasy Show at Grasshut!!!!

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Also on Friday, February 1st was Martin Ontiveros "Rock and Roll Fantasy" show at Bwana Spoons Grass Hut. Fuck me cause this was a very painful show to miss. Had I known that I could have purchased any one of many Ojo Rojo customs AND realized that there would be ZERO Ojo Rojo figures to purchase the next day, I would seriously have been on a plane to Portland. Some good shit here. Feast thine eyes. The great news is that there is still some stuff left to buy to get on it!! BUY THE GOOD STUFF HERE

Custom Gargamel Ojo Rojo figures by friends of Martin...

By Martin himself

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By Yutaka of Gargamel

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By Naoya of Gargamel

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By Mark Nagata of Max Toy Co

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By Koji Harmon aka Comet Debris

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By Kiyoka Ikeda of Gargamel and the sculpter

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By Bwana Spoons. Don't miss the message!

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By Scrappers

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By Le Merde

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By Evan B. Harris

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By Arbito

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Let's not forget all the amazing original 2D artwork as well...

By KaToPe

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By Chanmen of Gargamel

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By Kiyoshi Nakazawa of Drunken Master

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Crazy Ojo Rojo Plushie By CUPCO


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