Wednesday, January 12, 2011

3AA 2011 Membership...!!!

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Personally, I think the 3AA membership is the best deal going. The 15% discount pays for it by itself. Club toys and sweatshirt are gravy...!!!

Available this Friday the 14th of Jan, 5:00pm PST time, for a period of 24 hours. It will cost 150usd and will get you a 12month membership in 3AA, which nets you 12 months of 15% discount at Bambaland or Bambasia ( depends on where you buy the membership ), also access to exclusive 3AA toys and variations. Included in the pack is a Action Portable OYA TK ( exclusive to this set ), membership card and a 2011 3AA Hoodie. But wait there is more, it comes in a fancy box ! woooooooo….

WHAT YOU WANT MORE, WEEELLL HOW ABOUT an Adventure Kartel comic by T P Louise and Ashley Wood, never to be sold again, holy shit bags, what a deal !

via: 3A Production Blog

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