I was down in LA to see my mom this weekend. Had to hit Chinatown and used it as an excuse to head over to Little Tokyo and Anime Jungle. It's a great toy store with a huge selection. I did a more thorough write-up a couple of years ago which can be read HERE.

Prize goes the first person who can tell me the name of the original Japanese Toy Store that this Kamen Rider stood guard...

I just saw this exact Mecha Godzilla in Tokyo for 6,500 Yen.

The large Kamen Rider figure (i belive) used to be in front of the great toy shop a few blocks away from where it is now-circa early eighties(seventies?)
I would spend hours there with my very patient mum..taking forever to pick a special treat.
very very fond memories.
I have to make a special trip there just to visit my old friend.
I went there once. I was stop by the security guard of taking pics withing that area. SO i was kinda amaze u took pretty much pics over there. Anime jungle was pretty awesome. The collection was really big. Right now i trying to find as many Anime shop in US as I'm a visitor here. If ya have more toy shops location like in LA and etc do let me know. :)
I asked the owner if I could take pictures since I was going to post on my blog and promote the store. He said Ok! Notice I also put up a link to Anime Jungle on the right.
My other favorite place to go for toys and anime is at the little mall called Empress Pavillion in LA Chinatown. There are a few toy/anime stores there including Robocon... search my blog for "Toy Vacation"
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