Monday, July 07, 2008

One-Up at Taipei Toy Festival July 10-13

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Damn, Ken over at One Up is definitely bringing the heat for the Taipei Toy Festival being held July 10-13th. As you can see, he's got a very serious line up of some of the best toys around. Wish I could make it cause there are several toys here I WANT!!!

Let's start with some One-Up One-Offs that Ken is going to auction off for charity:

I'm hoping Ken puts this Skuttle X Colorway into production cause it is amazing...!!

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This Fulcraim figures is starting to rub off on me. Especially when you get a sick purple colorway like this. I only wish it were metallic or clear purple though...

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There are a couple more Auction items HERE

Now for some of the production items to be released at the One-Up Booth at TTF. For those of you going, it's Booth A13-A14.

Rainbow Skuttle X

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Rainbow Itokin Park Mikazukin...gimme!!!

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Hair Cut Devil Limited Gumliens:

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Ileana x BLObPUS

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Killer J x Skull Toys

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Real x Head x Mad Barbarians

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Minty Fresh Fulcraim

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To see the entire One-Up Line-up for TTF click HERE

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