Patience is one attribute that I don't possess enough of. But witness the one rare occassion that it paid off for me. Waaay back in June, I thought my prayers to the toy gods had been answered when I found out that one of my favorite Votoms mechs, the venerable Blue Knight Beserga Testa Rossa was being realized in all it's action figure mightiness. Still, as much as I wanted to hit the "Pre-Order" button, something didn't sit well...I wasn't crazy about the shade of blue. Yes, it's blue so that should be enough I realize, but I wanted a metallic blue. Knowing that CM's Corp had released other Votoms mechs in a matte finish first, then re-released the same figure in a special, limited edition metallic finish, I waited and hoped. Months later, I was writing another mech-head, Vombie about my hopes with the Metallic Testa Rossa and he wrote back saying it was up for Pre-order at Hobby Link Japan!! Stoked!!!
Here's a good comparison shot showing the two versions side by side...i'm hoping the new version is on the right....!!

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