Tuesday, April 03, 2007

New Gargamel Toys Dropping Soon!!!

Dragamel full size

Like mana from Heaven, Gargamel, continues to feed our addiction for more vinyl Kaiju goodness. The big news is Tim Biskup's new Standard size Dragamel with the gout problem in the neck. I'm digging the colorway and it will look really cool next to it's smaller sibling! I guess I can get over the neck lumps, but I wouldn't have minded if it came in a different metallic colorway, but i'm not complaining!

We also have new colorways of the Beralgon and Tetoran minis. I'm still on the fence on these two. I like the sculps ok, but wish Kiyoka would bust out with the clear versions! More clears!!!!



Lastly, and prolly my favorite of this group, would be the mini Den Ace in all its golden, glittery glory!!! C'mon! How badass is this guy!


You'll have to wait and see if Super7 has any left when they come to the US later this month!!! Pictures from Super7!!!

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