Monday, March 20, 2006

Saint Seiya Hades Wyvern Lost Pictures Gallery

In another example of my brain going mush, I also completely forgot to upload these little beauties of this die-cast action figure Hades Wyvern from Saint Seiya. If you check out my earlier post back in December on the subject, you will see that I think this is the only cool Saint Seiya figure out there. I could be wrong, but i'm not into all the other figures with the gold bling bling going on. Hades is cool because he's dark, has a cool purple tint to his chrome black armor and most importantly, his armor become a dragon. You have to go back to my earlier post to see that because I'm too lazy to assemble all the armor parts. So enjoy the gallery and pick one of these guys up. They are a serious die-cast action figure with heft and quality behind it. Highly recommended for all you serious collectors and for all you Saint Seiya fans, Hades is a no-brainer, but you probably already own this one!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like saint seiya and saint seiya video at comtoon blog
Saint Seiya video

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