Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Super Collector: Brian Flynn


I've only seen a couple of "Super Collections". The first was actually the very first post on toybot studios way over a year and a half ago. This premiere article featured the World's Largest Ultraman Collection of one Mark Nagata. Funny enough, it was Mark who first introduced me to Brian Flynn (both co-founders of Super7) who has for the first time recently posted pictures of part of his massive toy collection. These are just his vintage toys. We have yet to see his new kaiju collection but I bet it's around the same size as his vintage collection. So when your wives or girlfriends complain about how many toys you have or that your collection takes up too much space, show her these pictures and ask her to count her blessings!

Brian Vintage1

Brian Vintage3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw man...dusting those things could take days! I keep like 95% of the stuff I buy in their packages for this least until I get the space I need for some nice glass display shelving.

I was probably looking at the cost of Harvard med-school in those pics!


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