RealxHead fans are in a white hot frenzy over this latest exclusive colorway released in-store at Jyarinco in Japan. Don't bother trying to click on the link and dropping an email to the store because these guys are long gone. They've hit the aftermarket like a raging avalanche and one piece in particular is commanding an icy half a grand! That's right, the Evil Mutant Head pictured above went for close to $500 on Yahoo! Japan Auctions the other day and there is one on eBay right now that is close to $300 and will continue to climb no doubt! Why the insane figures with everyone tapped out at Christmas? Santa Claus only knows, but apparently the reason is that there are less than TEN of the frosty Evil Mutants with the Red Hot Hands in existence!! What about the other two? Well, there are a bit more of them. Supposedly 30 each which is still not very many. Good luck Real x Head hunters!! Thanks to LivingDead and Datadub in Japan for the pics!

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