Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Huck Gee x Fresh Manila: Aswang Puto

Huck Gee Aswang Puto II

FreshManila is collaborating with Huck Gee once again for another Puto. That's right, Aswang Puto. It's dropping August 1st and will be a towering 16" tall. I say a bargain at $116 each. I think FreshManila makes the very best Huck Gee figures. Case in point, The first Puto. That thing is a work of art. Like an ancient Mayan relic Indiana Jones would be chasing after. If Aswang Puto is anything near the quality of the first Puto, we have a winner. It's the first Huck Gee figure i've wanted since...well the first Puto. Or maybe the Tunk....lol...

FreshManila is the first Designer Toy Shop in in Manila and they will be opening up a "Super Store" in October..!

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