Sunday, June 22, 2008

Insane 1:1 scale Iron Votoms Scopedog by Kogoro Kurata!!

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Featured in an interview with PingMag, Japanese Ironsmith Kogoro Kurata has created a 1:1 scale Votoms Scopedog out of iron. Thank you Bryanarchy for posting this article!

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And how did you get from there to something like the giant ScopeDog robot?

ScopeDog is originally from an ’80s cartoon called Votoms, although it wasn’t a show I really watched. As a kid, I had made a plastic model of the ScopeDog robot and was just really attracted to the design and aesthetic. I wanted to make it to have more content for my website and blog but I think I really just wanted to prove to people that you can make huge things using iron. It ended up taking a year, and in the middle of it all I broke a bone working on it. It would have actually taken six months if I hadn’t gotten injured…

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