Contrary to my earlier report a few weeks ago, the clear orange Secret Base set comprised of the Pumpkin Head and Obake are not part of Super 7's Halloween Secret Base extravaganza. I really was hoping that Super 7 and Secret Base were going to be doing all six figures in this clear orange, but oh, well! Secret Base just released this set in a cool candy jar just in time for Halloween! All yummy clear orange vinyl that reminds me of orange Gummi Bears! Sold out in Japan, sold out at Super 7. Act fast and you might still get them at Span of Sunset. Extra cool pictures from LivingDead who gets all the rad shit first cause he's stationed in Japan!

I'm weak. I just dropped a Benjamin on those two. Happy Halloween to me, I guess. No candy this year- just freakin' expensive little toys.
Btw, for those interested, they're also at ToyTokyo.
Happy Halloween! Dude, you're not weak. Secret Base is the cure for all your ills. c'mon over to http://www.skullbrain.org/bb/ and we will show you the way to vinyl nirvana...
Thanks for the reassurance. Hope your Halloween was filled with goodness of the edible and/or plastic variety, as well.
thanks! My Halloween was very ghoulish! Woke up at 2:45am so I could get my hands on The Balzac Blood splattered Skullman and Red Skullbat from Shocker EU (Germany), then right over to Artoyz in France for the Halloween blood orange Obake Ghost, then real life over to Super7 for the Bwana GID Steven the Bat. Topped it off with trick or treating with my daughter in the neighborhood. One of the best Halloweens yet!
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