Monday, August 04, 2008

Itokin Park @ SDCC 2008!!!!

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Definitely one of the highlights of SDCC was meeting Itokin Park. Probably one of the nicest and down to earth guys you could ever meet anywhere. At first glance, his toys would seem way too cute to sit on my shelves. But it's the simplicity of design and bold use of color that make his toys instant classics. Itokin Park had an event at the Super 7 booth where he was signing his exclusive Himalan. If you were lucky enough to pull 1 of 5 lottery tickets, you could purchase one of five of the custom Mikazukins he brought with him.

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Itokin Park with my homie Hiro Hiyashi, aka Lil Japan

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Lisa with her signed Itokin Park bag

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Himalan is making Josh sleeeeeeepy....

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Josh IS a handsome dude...

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This was probably the best thing I received from SDCC. It's a print made by Itokin Park of the custom Kikaider Mikazukin that I painted. It's awesome. More pictures to follow. THANK YOU Ito-san!!!

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Oh, and check out the latest Himalan colorway released this week at Wonderfestival: Kaleyard!! Kaleyard means Cabbage Garden...!!

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