Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Mecha Musume Girls Vol. 2!!!

I've been seeing pictures of these little sweeties in the Japanese hobby mags recently and they caught my eye. Produced by Konami, they are approximately 4" trading figures featuring these interesting yet typically overly cute girls that are apparently either all mecha or part mecha based on WWII tank and airplane designs from different countries! How bizarre! How Kawaii!! Pretty cool. I found a set on eBay for just under $100 for a set of eight which includes a couple of variants. I like 'em and all and they would probably make for a great photo shoot, but not gonna pull the trigger just yet... What do you guys think? Do cute girls with tank tread legs turn you on?? They do?? You're a perve.... What could push me over the edge is the cool fact that you can take limbs and what not from each set and create a super mecha girl you can see below. Very cool and very Voltron-ish.


toybot studios said...

ok, ok, twist my arm. I just went out and purchased Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 of these figures so look for the review and gallery soon!!!!

digiblade said...

I think they're awesome !
Nice site btw...

toybot studios said...

thanks digiblade! quite a response on these figures! glad I picked them up! check back for the full review and gallery...

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