Monday, February 05, 2007

Dave Pressler at Munky King!!!


I missed the Dave Pressler show at Munky King recently, but did catch these amazing works of arts on Munky King's site. Many of them are sold out, but I did somehow manage to grab this 2.5" tall artist proof of the "Lil Violent Rabbit"


From Munky King:

Dave Pressler is a Los Angeles artist who has used sculpture and painting to fuse two of his primary passions: the world of fine art and the world of pop entertainment.


Pressler is a founding member of the entertainment development group, The Dan Clark Company. The company specializes in the creation of kids‚ media. Pressler was a key designer on the live action Mexican masked wrestling action extravaganza, "Los Luchadores!" for Fox Kids Network. He designed characters on the puppet/CGI sci-fi adventure "Brats of the Lost Nebula" for The Jim Henson Company and Kids WB! Network. The series was declared by TV Guide to be "one of the 10 best kid shows of the year".


Pressler created the visual springboard for the distinctive look of "The Save-Ums", a new CGI adventure for preschoolers airing in the United States on The Learning Channel.

In addition to his kids‚ media and independent film projects, Pressler
is an accomplished painter and sculptor whose work shows in galleries all around Los Angeles.


When Pressler creates "fine art" his work gravitates toward the absurd, immediately recognizable by the ironic, often comically dark themes: childhood weirdness, naughty misfits, toys and whimsy turned strange.


For Pressler, his kids‚ media and fine art projects speak to the viewer in a secret and visceral code. Pressler's work instinctively knows that accidentally swallowing a spider is a tragedy unless it's happening to someone you don't like, then it's cool.


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