Still recovering from the madness that was this past weekend. Wondercon and the Gargamel Show at Super 7 was a double fisted slaughterfest of toy goodness. I can easily say that the Gargamel show was one of the best custom toys shows I have ever attended. Period. With over 100 custom toys and paintings, Gargamel was not fucking around. There was something for everyone and I think the few remaining toys that made it online sold out instantly. What does this say? Collectors will pay more money for custom toys. Does this de-value the regular production toy line? Judging by how many of those were left over, I don't think so.
Yes, I was the idiot that camped out in front of Super 7 at 4am on Saturday. Why? Cause I wanted to be first. To have the very first choice (after staff) of the custom goodness was a thrill for me. For me, this show was all about KaToPe. Amazing, incredibly detailed artist. It was kind of fun, but I was pretty much destroyed all of Sunday. I especially liked hanging out with all of the other crazy collectors who wanted to get a ticket early. Best. Toy. Show. Ever.

A ton more pics after the jump

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