Saturday, April 17, 2010

3A WWRp Armstrongs Ready for Launch...!

Shadow Guard
3A Armstrong WWRp

Strong Engineer
3A Armstrong WWRp

3A Armstrong WWRp

Suicide Club
sui-arm 400x300
medic-arm 400x532
3A WWRp Armstrong
3A WWRp Armstrong

New pics of two of the upcoming and highly anticipated 3A WWRp Armstrong figures. They will officially launch on April 22nd @ 5:59 pm PST. From what I can gather on the 3A Forum, there will be two options:

4 Pack for $160
8 Pack for $280

Apparently there will not be a 3A Member Exclusive pack this time around. The 8 pack will include 4 colorways not to be found anywhere else. It will also include the four original Armstrong colorways:

White Engineer
Shadow Guard
Suicide Club - Above
Lunar Defense
Medic - Above
1G NYC EMGY - New, Above
1G Dawn Patrol - New, Above

Even though I just received the humongous box filled with a Dozen of the Dirty Deeds WWRp Berties, I find myself looking forward to this release as well. I think if 3A included all of the original Armstrong colorways in the four pack, I would be ok with that

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