Sunday, July 08, 2012


Shub Zeroth

Check out a preview of this upcoming toy from longtime collector, internetz webmeister and first-time toy designer Justin Jewett, aka Hateball. It looks like a mutant, multi-eyed devil's goat. Designed by Justin with help from artist Brian Ewing, sculpted by Siccaluna Koubo and produced by Luke and Ricki (Grody Shogun and Velocitron). There will be a resin prototype at SDCC for you to check out in person. Justin and Brian have set up a site where you can get more info if you give them your email address.

Shub Zeroth exists outside of time: he is neither old nor young. The infinity of his infiniteness is quite finite, as he is becoming something more (and at the same time less) than whatever he was when he started out as whatever he is. Whatever he was. His menace belies his that he is entirely unnatural.

He is a celebration of the un-.

Shub Zeroth

Shub Zeroth

Shub Zeroth

It can be said that Shub Zeroth sees all. Knows all. But it can also be said that he is blind and unknowing. Submerged within himself at awful and crippling depths across infinite time. Unable to thrash or feel or speak...he is. He has always been.Yet, he is becoming. Something...else. And that is terrible.

He is a celebration of the un-.

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