Friday, September 10, 2010

Killer J x Auxpeer Sarumon & SmokingStar TokyoBerlinViaParis Edition

KillerJ x Auxpeer° feat SARUMON & SMOKINGSTAR TokyoBerlinViaParis Edt

German artist Auxpeer° has teamed up with japans fine kaiju artist KillerJ for a groundshacking double release. (Its the the 1st release of a fullsize kaiju in europe!!!)

Its SARUMON & SMOKING STAR who celebrates their euro-premiere cast in classic light blue and spraypainted in red, flesh, black & white.

This limited edition of 12 pieces (SARUMON) and 16 pieces (SMOKINGTSAR) will only be available at .

What makes this release an unique one? Both monsters are supplied with a handprinted bandit bandana and moreover SARUMON got equiped w/this customized leather BattleBelt (symbolizing the X thing...) Also both releases got an exclusive header artwork... made with pride by Auxpeer°

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