Sunday, September 19, 2010

Excerpts from Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Fantastic mecha illustrations excerpted from Hangane Bito which is a book of collected works by freelance artist Naochika Morishita. Here are a few of my favs. Note not a Gundam amongst them. I'm more of a Zeon man myself.

via Pink Tentacle

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

hit the jump for a few more pics....

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

Hagane Bito by Naochika Morishita

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