Monday, May 04, 2009

Paul Kaiju x Popsoda Exclusive!!

Paul Kaiju Popsoda Bbulb exclusive

As you know, i'm a big fan of all things "PK". That's Paul Kaiju for the unaware. So i'm pretty stoked that he's doing a run of the beloved incredibly melting Popsoda. You may or may not know that the un-assuming Popsoda has quite a cult following. Some would say just as fervent as the Mutant Evil and Mutant Chaos collectors out there. So it's awesome that online retailer is doing their 2nd run of Popsodas. This time with the legendary Paul Kaiju. But the way to get one might be tricky for non saavy:

So here’s the deal. On Wednesday May 6th, at a random time, we’re going to make these pieces available, via this post. It’ll be pretty simple. Comments are disabled at the moment, but once the pieces are available, you’ll be able to post.

To get a piece, all you have to do is make a comment stating that you want one. The catch is that when you enter your email, it has to match the email we have on file. This means you need to register on their site now...!

It’ll be first come first serve, and if we get more requests than we have pieces available, we’ll start a waitlist. Everyone who gets in on time will get an email, with further instructions.

We’ll send an email out to everyone once it’s time, and make a Twitter update too, so make sure you’re following us. In the meantime, enjoy the above pic from Paul Kaiju. Pretty cool, no?

Paul Kaiju Popsoda Bbulb exclusive

Paul Kaiju Popsoda Bbulb exclusive

Paul Kaiju Popsoda Bbulb exclusive

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