Saturday was the Le Merde "We Are Brothers II" Show at Super7. After spending the last several weeks crying like a baby that I couldn't attend the first "We Are Brothers Show" at Thrashout, I was pretty stoked the hear that Mike was conveniently coming back to San Francisco for another show at Super 7.
Brian, Joe and Le Merde
I'm not sure if it's because people that collect Le Merde are more chill or that Mike is a pretty damn funny guy or that Alex conducted one of his most hard-hitting interviews yet, but I have so say this was one of the best shows. Certainly less chaotic and frenetic than the recent "It Came from Skullbrain" show, but just as fun.
Mike has really escalated his art and "taken it up a notch" as he puts it recently. I really like the color palatte he's using right now. I think maybe influenced by his buddy Koji Harmon aka Comet Debris. Mike has also been doing these crazy mash-ups too. Putting different heads on different bodies for all kinds of hilarity. The choices he makes look perfect and one could mistake the switch as the real thing. They just work. In some cases better than the original. A couple of stand outs include a Gargamel Eaton head on top of Super 7 Dokuwashi body. The Doku head was then put on a S7 Squirm body. What about the Zag head on top of a Bart Simpson body? Instant match! Lastly, Mike has been using a new process by which he coats his customs with colored clear resin. It's kinda like a clear coat, but intentially sloppy which results in this amazing effect.
A great way to begin this adventure would be to jump right in with the now Internet Famous reporter Alex Zavaleta for Super 7 and toybot studios TV.
Le Merde Show @ Super 7 from toybot studios on Vimeo.
Aaron, Shannon and Mike
t0fu and Bert
Lokash and Joshuajh
Mike showing them Burgerbuns to Josh and special guest Jason from Red Hot Robot
Whether Mike is customizing Arbito, Gargamel, Super 7, Bwana Spoons or M1-Go, by filling them up with Resin, painting them trippy colors and pouring more resin on top, not only does he ensure that all these pieces make the necessary weight requirement, they all seem to fit into the fucked up, crazy and incredibly cool universe that is Le Merde.
what is the little guy with the G on his tummy? who made the original? that custom piece is nuts.
That is a Gatchamecha. made by Gargamel. search my blog. i've got a couple of cool Gatchamecha customs as well.
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