Monday, June 07, 2010

LEGO Stilzkin Bridge Launcher

LEGO Stilzkin Bridge Launcher

This is the Stilzkin Bridge Launcher made up entirely of LEGOs by this pretty insanely talented guy named Mahj.

The Stilzkin EXT3 Bridge Launcher is used to deploy bridges to cross rivers, small chasms or similar obstructions. Placing the bridge takes less than a minute. Once the span has been put in place, the launcher detaches itself from the bridge, and moves aside to allow traffic to pass. Once all of the vehicles have moved over, it crosses the bridge itself and reattaches to the bridge on the other side. It then retracts the span ready to move off again.

This model, inspired by real-world AVLBs (Armoured vehicle-launched bridge) was built for Lego's Technic challenge.

LEGO Stilzkin Bridge Launcher

LEGO Stilzkin Bridge Launcher

LEGO Stilzkin Bridge Launcher

The video above was not without controversy. If you look closely, there appear to be background elements that move very quickly leading some to believe this movie was fake. So we have the next movie titled Redbridged and in HD with no editing.

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