Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

I'm digging these vintage bromide Pachimon postcards showing potentially your worst nightmare while on vacation. As you can see, the look is some what familar to the HDR photos in the last post.

via: Pink Tentacle
Here is a collection of vintage bromide cards showing various pachimon (imitation creatures based loosely on famous TV and movie monsters) at iconic locations around the world. Published by Yokopro in the 1970s.


Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

More vacation post cards after the jump

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

Pachimon Vacation Postcards

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these would look awesome as posters!

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