Thursday, May 06, 2010

More MISHKA x L'amour Supreme Goodness coming your way..!!

Mishka x Lamour x Adfunture

Check out the latest plexiglass art from L'amour Supreme for the upcoming latest Mishka x Adfunture Bootleg release. Turned sideways to crank your head as well as to see the details.

lamour boot 3 400x806

lamour boot 400x804

Mishka x Lamour x Adfunture

Mishka x Lamour x Adfunture

also check out this snazzy solid sterling silver Mishka x Cure x L'amour Supreme Boogie Man Mask ring...!

Mishka x Lamour x Adfunture

Mishka x Lamour x Adfunture

1 comment:

"The Supreme Architect" said...

Need some information regarding where I can go and have my own CREATIONS mfg'd ??? someone hit me up...

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