Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Your Little Sister Customized Your Gundam

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Your little sister steals your Gundam kit and it shows up a week later looking like this. What do you do? My first instinct would be to scream and smash it into little bits. Upon closer inspection however, it's quite a nice custom so it's hard to get too mad at her. You just make a mental note not to leave any toys or kits out in the open.

Created by a Taiwanese fan...perhaps to celebrate Gundam's 30th Anniversary or perhaps to protest that there needs to be a pink Gundam colorway with lots of jewels...i'm not sure.

pics via Pink Tentacle
originally posted on this message board

They even made it to stand like a little School girl...! That's obscene.

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While a pink, bejewelled Gundam RX-71 is worrisome, not nearly as much as this Hello Kitty AR-15 Assault Rifle. This just plain crosses the line. Yes, it's real and yes it really shoots bullets.

Hello Kitty Assault Rifle

Hello Kitty Assault Rifle

Hello Kitty Assault Rifle

1 comment:

Daniel Goffin said...

Hehehe. I got a good chuckle out of your commentary to that Gundam custom. I however imagined how freakish an experience it would be if one of these appeared in mid battle in front of you. Girl Tanks! Eek! Hehe. ^_^

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