Monday, June 15, 2009

Big Foot Player Dangango Action Figure from Basquash Anime

Big Foot Player Dangango

Hmmmm, check this out. One of the more interesting action figures i've seen in a while. This is Big Foot Player Dangango from the anime Basquash. I suppose this is an anime where basketball playing robots with hot rods for heads are the norm. Dunno, it's so crazy that it works. I'm curious how tall it is. Due out in September for around 5,775 yen.

Big Foot Player Dangango

check out the Nikes!

Big Foot Player Dangango

of course we have to have other car models as well...!

Big Foot Player Dangango

picks via AmiBlog

yes, i'm getting old and apparently completely out of the loop of what the kiddies are watching anime-wise these days. Here is a clip of Basquatch. Glimpses of the basketball-wielding hot rod mechs.


Philip Reed said...

I love the design. I'm not a major anime fan or anything, but the robot designs are almost always astounding. What does that price translate into in US dollars? I could see myself grabbing one of these.

no3Ljm said...

the size of this figure is 12cm. price would be around $64 based on the current exchange. ;)

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