The one show out of three that I managed to attend this weekend was the Thought Processor Group Show at Super7. It's based on a paper toy designed by the very cool, but slightly soft-spoken Eric Broers aka Phoneticontrol. Each of the artists in the group show customized the papertoy and painted a 2D piece to accompany it. Great show, nice crowd. Seemed to be a lot of people interested in this kind of medium. See? toys don't have to cost a ton of money to collect. In this case, you can download Phoneticontrol's paper toy for free and customize it to your heart's content!
Artists include:
Brian Flynn
Jesse Hernandez
Josh Herbolsheimer
Lil Japan
and many more!
But before you read one thing further, you have to check out the latest episode of toybot studios tv featuring the intrepid Alex Zavaleta. This show has almost nothing to do with Phoneticontrol and everything to do with being Banned In D.C.
Thought Processor_Phoneticontrol from toybot studios on Vimeo.
Eric saying wtf to Alex's interview.
Alice and her Narwhal Whale
1 comment:
Insane to see my sculpt at S7.
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