Friday, June 12, 2009

New Wave of Onell Glyos Buildman Figures!!

MeryxBuildman 400x499

Pretty stoked to see that Onell Design is kicking ass and pumping out new products. These little figures really rock..! As I mentioned in my review last year, there are several toy manufacturers that could pick up a thing or two about design, quality and playability from Onell. Looking forward to what Glyos madness SDCC 2009 will bring...!! I think my favorite design are Naras Buildman. These guys are called "Buildman" because every single part can be used to make all kind of different robots, vehicles and vehicles. Combine them with the accessory packs and you can have a crazy time building all kinds of weird shit.

NarasBuildman 400x499

EssicBuildman 400x499

FerrumBuildman 400x499

PhaseBuildman 400x499

SpectreBuildman 400x499

StealthBuildman 400x499

Buy a bunch of these guys and parts and you can make stuff like this:

SectionZFront 400x315

Samus 400x441

PrinceAcroyear 400x448

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