Although Super 7's Summer Sale is over and all the exclusive glow orange and black Gargamel figures are all but gone, Super 7 has much more for us coming up very, very soon including the grand opening of their new store on September 8th from 7-10pm! Better watch out cause Vader's Fist 501st Division will be there in full effect providing security for all the vintage Star Wars figures!!!
Check out the pics from last Saturday:
Hey, that funny looking mushroom on the trike looks familiar from my college daze back at Berkeley!! So yummmmmmy!!!

Brian with the stash of the elusive 5th Bonus Dokuroman Figure! Only those that had purchased all four of the figures in the set got this one free!!!

Locomoto, Joe Bunny and Bianca looking very giddy after getting the 4th figure: Gargamel Hedoran!!

Locomoco (no relation to Locomoto) hits the Jackpot and finishes the entire set!!

Locomoco is also the proud owner of the entire gang! Look closely and you can see Biskup's Glowie Gamagon in the back. Notice anything? Yes! Locomoco did a custom paint job to make it match the Gargamel set!!! How cool is that??!!

Normal GID Gamagon pictured here for comparison:

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