As you guys know i'm a big fan of Dr. Bao and Spive who make up the NVC Crew. Really interesting Canadian guys that are now getting some serious recognition for their custom toys. I'm not sure if it's the asian thing or what, but they always seem to know what kind of custom figures would be really cool. This time around we have a very, very interesting set here that evokes the elephant scene from Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. The big difference is that the elephant Dr. Bao used is a Frank Kozik mink smokin Labbit. I have a set of these guys and they aren't much bigger than my thumb! In the pictures, the Labbit looks freakin huge! NVC is also using a munny zipper pull described below and the pet on the chain is another Kozik smokin slug! Upon my return from a recent trip, I was pleasantly surprised with an email from the good doctor himself (hopefully he doesn't mind me posting):

Hi!! How are you??!!! I just discovered your website!! It's quite cool! I just found out that you're supporting what we're doing so just want to pass by and just introduce myself to you and thank you for your support! So hey I use Dr.Bao as my artist name because I'm really a dentist in real life so it's really true!! We're from Montreal, Canada and hey we just want to have fun with all these customs toys that we're doing.....and of course we just try to push ourself further everytime...
I'll take the occasion to introduce to you our latest custom project....The Bronze Migration.....inspired by Bronze Nazareth's album The Great Migration....
It was pretty freak since we use only miniatures toys to do this customs....A Zipperpull Munny that we received form the Kid Robot for our winning prizes from their Festival Film contest that we won the Best Design category. We took also the mini Smorkin' Labbitt and Mongers Bob from Frank Kozik to add to the project...
I don't know if you ever saw a Zipperpull Munny....but it is big as an American quarter....so it's freaky small!!!
So hey, nice to meet you and thanks for your support.
Have a nice week-end and talk to you soon!
Bao....NVC crew
Wow! Thanks Dr. Bao for the email, thanks for all the great customs. Again, I will pose the question: How about getting a line of toy produced that the rest of NVC Crew fans can purchase and put on our shelves to admire?

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