Friday, November 19, 2010

Upcoming at Super 7...!!

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Upcoming from Super7. We have this colorful new Ooze Bat. The sludgey creature from the dreaded Snakes of Infinity has been sighted creeping in the night! Eye witness accounts report a blue monster covered in shimmering metallic gold, purple and green. Authorities expect the monster to be sighted again November 27th....

Super7 will be in Pasadena this weekend for Designer Con, booth #416! Check out the coolest new designer toys and art the world has to offer, including the exclusive release of the Monster Family Brown Garuru by Itokin Park!
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Probably most excited about Black Friday at Super 7. I want that Boba Fett, R2-D2, Tie Fighter pilots..yay!
Visit the Super7 Store on Friday November 26th for a Vintage Star Wars Action Figure and Super7 T-Shirt Sale! Buy three Super7 T-Shirts, get one free! Star Wars memories available $5 loose, $10 loose with weapon, carded from $20!! Open 11am...
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