Monday, November 01, 2010

Real x Head Show at Kaiju Blue Gallery

Mori from RealxHead had a show the other day at the Kaiju Blue Gallery. Man, looked like quite a show. all I have to say is more RxH x Skull Toys Dokurocks collaborations! I want that blue and black version. The other thing is that those one-offs by Kazariya Minokichi in the clear purple Evils are insane. I vote for more Evils in clear puple vinyl.

pictures and coverage from Andy at Kaiju Korner who apparently lives in Japan now so we should be seeing more event coverage from him.

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (14)

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (11)

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (12)

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (13)

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (16)

rxh at kaiju blue 10_31_2010 (15)

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