Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Real x Head Shinto Gangu Online: US First Release!

RXHCrew 400x327

The first release of exclusive toys from the brand new online store of RealxHead USA proves without a doubt that RealxHead is not dead. Not by a longshot. I don't care who you ask. They don't know shit. As Mori, Don, Matt, Jason, etc. work out the online store, the first releases were sold via email lottery. While not terribly unusual, since there were several choices in very limited numbers, everybody didn't get exactly what they asked for. I'm ok with the email lottery, but hope that they figure out a better way for future releases. While I didn't enter the lottery this go around, I'm really looking forward to seeing what's next.

Here are some really nice shots from Matt at Onell Design of what you missed.

PurplePhaseChaos 400x517

MirockChaosGREEN 400x416

MentalDentalFortuneCat 400x395

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