Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Announcing the SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp!!!

SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp

toybot studios is honored to provide teaser pics to the SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp. More details to be announced soon...!!

It was nervous breakdown time when that 'DUSK' MAD BATTLE MAN took off with the camera, for a fiery fling with some fireworks. Luckily, that camera is back and safe....whew! But the strangest thing. Looking through shots of exploding colors in the fogged out night time sky, that 'DUSK' captured, I found these pics of MAD BATTLE MAN's new friend, who will also be a limited SDCC exclusive. WAIT.....HOLY CRAP.....WHOA, it can't be! This is so incredibly awesome...look at that color app...AMAZING! A 3A WWRp ARMSTRONG!!! That back left wall is just going to be.....simply...a warzone!

SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp

SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp

SDCC 2010 Exclusive 3A Armstrong WWRp

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