Friday, October 29, 2010

Real x Head Shinto Gangu Online

Alright you animals, we will be opening the Beta version of Shinto Gangu Online shortly. Mori has cooked up a pretty special bunch of figures for this initial offering.

After much deliberation and debate we have decided to use an e-mail application/lottery system for the initial offerings. Paypal and most other shopping carts are notoriously weak on handling bursts related with online figure releases (ask any Matty Online collector.) By going this route we are hoping to provide a fair and democratic sales opportunity and avoid any major cluster-fudges of overselling or cart crashes. Any figures still remaining after the initial offering will be switched over to a Paypal shopping cart. Since we will be overwriting pages on the site when we launch make sure you refresh your browser.

The shop will open on Friday October 29th at 10pm EST
That's 9pm Central, 8pm Mountain and 7pm pacific.
(and 2am in England in case anyone is wondering.)
No orders from Japan please (give the rest of the world a chance!)

You can apply to purchase 1 of each figure being offered but please put your applications in a single e-mail. Multiple requests for the same figure from the same user will be thrown out.
That's 1 application per e-mail address / household.

The initial offering will be open from 10:00 PM EST until 10:59 PM EST. That’s 1 hour, plenty of time. Any e-mail requests received before or after the time frame will be ineligible.

Once all the applications are in, Mori will draw the winners from the proverbial hat. There will be a separate drawing for each figure.

Qualified purchasers will be notified with Paypal instructions within 24 hours by e-mail. If anyone flakes we go back to the hat.

/////// HOW TO PURCHASE /////////////////////////////////////////

The e-mail address will be posted on the Blog and Shop page at 10pm

To apply for purchase send an e-mail containing:

Your Full Name:

Your Internet Handle (optional):

Your Shipping Address: (for shipping charge calculation)

Figure Names:

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