Sunday, October 18, 2009

Martin Ontiveros and Jeremy Tinder Show @ Rotofugi

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Heavy Metal Rock and Roll artist Martin Ontiveros is well known round these parts. Super cool dude with amazing talent. If you ever get the chance to see one of his paintings up close, you won't believe the razor sharpness of his lines. You could shave your stubble with it. So he's doing a show with Jeremy Tinder which opened last friday at Rotofugi in Chicago. I wish I could have been there cause I bet it kicked ass.

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Now this other dude Jeremy Tinder, i'm not familiar with. That doesn't mean anything cause if you don't make toys and have some kind of connection to Japanese toys, I probably don't know you at all. I wasn't even going to include Jeremy in this post until I actually looked at his art. His illustrations look like he should be doing children's books. But the subject matter is much darker. His work seems to be a cross between nightmares one would have as a kid and weird real-life moments from one's fucked up childhood. Someone get this dude a show on Adult Swim pronto!

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Like this mother holding her bleeding, dead son. wtf? I can't stop looking at it.

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

What about this one? Who hasn't witnessed this awkward scene at home at one point in time?

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

Ontiveros and Tinder @ Rotofugi

I glance at the picture and the style makes me want to be happy, but when I focus in and see what is really going on in his artwork, I want to be depressed. The two kinda cancel each other and I don't know exactly how to feel except "what the fuck?" I mean this in a good way because I think his work is provocative and makes me wonder what is the story behind some of this paintings.

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