Friday, December 18, 2009

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

I'm digging these new custom Brambles from Cris Rose. Cris always has a great backstory to go along with his creations too. Three in this series available now for $220 each at Cris' Online Web Store

The Federation of Robots for Ethics and the Environment (FREE) started off as a couple of guys that found a Bramble in a ditch.

Seriously damaged with it's head blown off, the skirmish that had left it there in that state had long moved to pastures new. It seemed such a shame to leave it there to rust, but there was far too much missing and not enough spare parts to return it to it's former glory. Even the robust A.I. systems were shot.

From that Bramble came the first Salvage bot. Built from 80% of a Bramble (give or take), his body was fully reconfigured and his brains rebuilt from what was at hand. The final touch was a fractal algorithm was applied to his programming to truly randomise his personality, making him unique and as unpredictable as any human!

Luckily for FREE, the first Salvage Bot was friendly and helpful. This proved to be somewhat of a default state for an intelligent being, something discovered as more and more parts were retrieved from the battlefields to construct more Salvage bots.

There was the odd one that had an attitude problem tho, one that couldn't bare to be separated from a weapon of some sort - these were named after angry bugs, like WASP and deployed to protect the rest of the crew if need be. Mostly they just fired blanks, but the noise and mad flailing was enough to diffuse most situations... even if that was through laugher.

The Salvage Bots, while not smart enough to be set loose and determine their own purpose (FREE's AI routine reconstruction would never match up to Rothchild's original solution), they served for a long time as the backbone of the repair and release program that FREE started all those years ago.

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

Cris Rose Salvage Brambles

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