Wednesday, November 04, 2009

toybot studios makes Hyper Hobby !!

toybotstudios in HyperHobby

Not too many things cooler than sitting on the can cracking open your new copy of Hyper Hobby. As I flip to the Sofubi section, I am surprised and honored to see toybot studios get a tiny bit of real estate on two pages! One for the One Up Custom Skuttle Show and the other for the BLObPUS Exhibition.

I am honored to be in Hyper Hobby alongside so many talented artists and designers. Thank you.

toybotstudios in HyperHobby

toybotstudios in HyperHobby

toybotstudios in HyperHobby

toybotstudios in HyperHobby


Evham said...

I just found your blog and the post for Kimono my house. Good stuff. I've never picked up an issue of Hyper Hobby until this one. Lots of great stuff. I'm new to collecting and there is a couple of figures in this issue I'd love to know about on page 84, the news section #7. Those wrestling monsters. Any clue? I can't read Japanese! Once again, love the blog.-Evan

toybot studios said...

hi Evan, thanks for reading TBS. I'll have to look up those monsters and see if I know who made them.

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