Friday, November 13, 2009

Monty the Lumberjack Deep Forrest Bramble. Custom by Cris Rose

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

Check out this insane custom Bramble by artist and customizer extraordinaire Cris Rose. Although Monty the Lumberjack appears "Green" with a recycle label on him, i'm not quite sure a giant robot who no doubt runs on diesel fuel, is all the eco-friendly when he's cutting down trees with his gattling gun no less....!!??

Part of the Deep Forest team of bots, this recycled, reprogrammed and freed robot of war came to be known by the villagers as "Monty the Lumberjack".

Spending his time managing a forest deemed too inaccessible and dangerous for standard woodcutting, he converted his ammo pack on his back to carry logs While he doesn't use it in anger anymore, he still carries his Gatling gun to scare off large animals or cut down giant trees! He can't be parted with it even if he wanted to, it's part of him...

He comes with Gat, pouches of wood, converted ammo pack full of logs, 2 rusty buzzsaw blades and a tree trunk mid-chopping!

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

Freed World War Robots

All my WWR bots have the same story pretty much. Rescued from the front as scrap, rebuilt buy a group sympathetic to robot equality using whatever's available and reprogrammed to be able to make their own choice - fight for a nobel cause or live a quiet, helpful existence...

Some decide to rescue more of their fallen brothers, others wander off into the forest and are never seen again. Many decide to find a town that will take them and settle down, helping out when heavy lifting, demolition or serious farming is required in a pinch!

One thing remains the same tho, the guns are part of them, they can't be without them. Just as every gun is coded to it's owner, every bot feels coded to his gun. A part of him. Even tho they will never use them, even tho they don't even function, every bot still has his weapon. It serves a reminder of why they were made, what they did and that they choose not to use them.

...well, apart from those that choose to... >.<

Often marked with a large "recycle" sign, many towns had panicked at the sight of a lone bot, fully armed, striding into town without warning or visible "handler", so this was the robotic equivalent of the peace sign, the white flag that put folk at their ease, a sign of a reformed character.

...but never the less, some people just can't see the friendly side of having their car unexpectedly lifted bodily from the road, even if it is just to peer in and wave at the occupants ^___^

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

Deep Forrest Bramble by Cris Rose

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