Monday, August 24, 2009

New Pre-Orders @ Lulubell Toys: Chaos Man, Yamazakura and Dehara!!

Lulubell Pre_orders

Not only does Lulubell Toys have their annual "HUGE F*@KIN SALE" going on right now on a ton of cool shit, they have a bunch or ridiculously awesome stuff on pre-order including this brand-new sculpt from RealxHead called Chaos-man. 8" tall. Waiting for the Evil-man to come out!

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Lulubell Pre_orders

two new Yamazakura colorways.

Lulubell Pre_orders

Lulubell Pre_orders

But the real mind-blower is a boat load of Dehara Clays from the Cakeee Series. How often do you see these online? fuck...

Lulubell Pre_orders

Lulubell Pre_orders

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