Thursday, March 05, 2009

toybot studios TV: Sausalito Ferry Company

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Last summer, my nephew came to visit and he always likes to go to Sausalito. I don't mind going all that much cause I get to go to one of the coolest toy shops on the planet called Sausalito Ferry Company.

Well, funny enough, my nephew came back and where did we take him? Yep. But this time, I had my video camera with me to give you the full experience....! lol...

Sausalito Ferry Company from toybot studios on Vimeo.

Oh, while you're there, one of the best burgers in the Bay Area can be had. It's all they do...Burgers. Nothing else. The burgers are huge and They flame broil it right on this huge circular grill. Funny enough, the name of the place is just "Hamburgers".... Seriously.

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